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The Science of Pizza (Bonus: Pizza Dough Recipe!)

The Science of Pizza (Bonus: Pizza Dough Recipe!)

What is the Science of Pizza Dough?

So, you want to make the perfect pizza for dinner. You have your yeast packet, sauce, and other ingredients like toppings. But what about the most critical component? Which Polselli "00" flour do you pick? 


Don't worry; we're here to help!


Like you, we love experimenting in the kitchen, and we love great pizza. We also know it can be daunting if you don't know where to start. You also might have a lot of questions like, "How long does the dough need to rest for?" and "Does 00 flour make a difference?


We'll answer that and more along with the full recipe below!


What is "00" Flour?


You've probably researched many pizza dough recipes and saw "00" flour mentioned quite a lot. Sure, you can use most flours for pizza dough, but "00" flour does make a difference when it comes to the quality and taste of your dough, and there's a science to back it!


Each flour type has its unique blend of expertly milled grains; Polselli has 22 different grains creating over 40 distinct blends, each of which is of a high-quality standard. 


"00" is the gold standard of Italian flour and refers to the texture of flour. "00" flour is very fine milled and perfect for pizza making (as well as any bread or pasta!) 


But you might be asking yourself, 'Is the texture the only difference?' Well, it has to do with the protein content as well. The amount of protein, which creates gluten in your flour will determine the elasticity of your dough and how chewy your crust is. The lower the gluten, the more crunchy your crust will be. For example, bread flour is typically high in gluten which gives bread that spongy interior.


We won't get too much into hydration levels (the amount of water to flour ratios) in this post, but do note that "00" flour will require less water than your average pizza dough recipe to prevent a runny dough that's hard to work. We recommend our recipe where we do the science and measuring for you! 



Why we love Polselli Flour for our pizza dough: 


When you think about your favorite pizza and that fantastic crust, you know it's coming from a place of high quality and delicious flavor. But how does pizza crust get this great flavor? This flavor comes from the milling process, dough preparation, the resting period to rise, and finally, how it cooks in the oven. 


Polselli retains a high standard for their flour. They've used a traditional method for almost a century, from sowing and harvesting to milling and blending. Polselli's passion for flour is quality, transparency, and reliability based on years of tradition. They are dedicated only to use quality wheat and constantly work to ensure high-quality standards. Carefully, Polselli selects their raw materials and closely monitors the entire production process. 


WholesaleItalianFood.com offers four unique Polselli "00" pizza flour; ClassicaVivaceSuper, and Farina


Classica is perfect for traditional Neapolitan-style pizza. With a rise time of 8-10 hours, Classica is desirable for higher temperatures found in wood-burning ovens. 


Vivace is great for pan pizza. Vivace has a rise time of 16-18 hours, is excellent for low-temperature cooking, and works well in an electric oven.


Super flour is perfect for a longer rise time of up to 26 hours and best at high-temperature resistance, making Super flour your "go-to" choice for Roman-style pizza. 


Farina flour is your ideal pizza flour for the home oven! This high elasticity dough with high proofing power works well for those who want to prepare traditional Italian pizza at home! 


Can you still make pizza if you don't have an industrial oven? 

You can! The above notes suggest ways to cook your dough for the best possible outcome by flour type. Pizza dough can be very sensitive to work with, and we recommend sticking to the above recommendations. However, it is possible to use and work with all three dough types in your home oven. Remember, all ranges are different; cook times may vary! 


Now that we've given you the science behind pizza flour, let's get to why we're all here; the recipe!



Roman-Style Pizza

Prep Time: Up to 24 Hours
Cook Time: 10-15 Minutes
Tools: A mixing bowl or stand mixer, two sheet pans



Ingredients (For two pizzas):






  • -  Mix your Polselli "00" Farina flour and dry yeast in a bowl or stand mixer
  • -  Slowly add in water and knead your dough.
  • -  Add Olive Oil and knead; once fully incorporated, add salt.
  • -  On a floured surface, work your dough for a while, at least 10 minutes by hand, 5-6 minutes in your mixer.
  • -  Form your dough into a ball, cover, and let it rest for 30-40 minutes
  • -  Take your dough, use your fingers to spread the ball out, and then fold it back on itself by tucking one end over the other. Turn the dough upside down and form it into a ball once again.
  • -  Cover your dough and place it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, up to 24 hours. This step will let the dough rise.
  • -  Rework the dough and divide it into two equal parts. Form each into a ball and let it rise on a surface lightly greased with oil covered with a large bowl. Let rise for 40-50 minutes.
  • -  When ready, oil your pans and use your fingertips to spread out the dough gently to form the base for two pizzas. 


Now you're ready for toppings! Once you've put all your favorite toppings on your pizza, we recommend cooking it in the oven for 10-12 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Oven times will vary. You may need more or less time, so keep an eye on the crust! 



Share with us your finished pizzas over on our social pages! 

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Facebook: Wholesale Italian Food


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