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5 Ways To Use Calabrian Chili Peppers In Your Recipes - Wholesale Italian Food

5 Ways To Use Calabrian Chili Peppers In Your Recipes

If you're like us, you've been obsessed with Calabrian Chili Peppers! They've been the buzzword around the cooking world, and we've been trying them on everything from pizza to soup. Yes, you read that right, soup! 


What we love about these bright, red peppers is their versatile nature. They pack a nice "kick" of heat without sacrificing the flavor of your recipes.


So, how could we pick just 5? Let's say it started a considerable debate in our office, but we were able to finally come together and narrow it down to create this list for you! 


Sliced Calabrian Chili Peppers on Pizza

Wholesale Italian Food Tutto Calabria Sliced Peppers on Roman Pizza

You can't go wrong with adding Calabrian Peppers to your pizza. We're fans of adding sliced chili peppers on top of any slice. Not only do they add a delicious flavor with some heat, but they're very photogenic too!


Crushed Calabrian Chili Peppers On Hummus

Wholesale Italian Food Tutto Calabria Crushed Peppers on Hummus

We can't get enough of this combination! Add some spice to your hummus with a dollop of Crushed Calabrian Chili Peppers. This delicious combo works great with chips, pita bread, and all your favorite vegetables. You can thank us later for your new favorite spread.


Calabrian Chili Flakes In Soup

Wholesale Italian Food Tutto Calabria Crushed Flakes in Soup

We couldn't believe this one either initially, but we'd be amiss if we didn't put this recipe on the list. Once per month, we have an office lunch with this recipe, and the metaphorical icing on the cake is the sprinkle of Calabrian Chili Flakes! 


Calabrian Hot Honey On Everything!

Wholesale Italian Food Tutto Calabria Hot Honey Sticky Popcorn

Honestly, we really could put this on everything; it's just that good! Calabria Hot Honey is the perfect blend of spicy and sweet and an excellent accent for your favorite bread, sauces, jams, appetizers, charcuterie boards, and so much more! We also loved using it in our Calabrian Hot Honey Sticky Popcorn recipe! 


Tutto Calabria Calabrian Chili Peppers Charcuterie Board

Wholesale Italian Food Tutto Calabria Charcuterie Board

Okay, we might be cheating with this one because we used a different variety, but Tutto Calabrian peppers are the perfect accent to any charcuterie board! Tutto Calabrian peppers create that extra flavor profile and take your charcuterie board to the next level. "Wow" your friends and family at your next gathering when you add that little extra spice to a traditional appetizer. 

Shop our Tutto Calabria products here.

And there you have it! Our favorite thing about Calabrian Chili Peppers is that you can use them in almost any recipe. Try using them in some of your favorites and tag us on social media to tell us about it!

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Facebook: Wholesale Italian Food

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