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Renna, Small Peppers Stuffed with Tuna And Capers in preserved in oil (10.58 oz

Renna, Small Peppers Stuffed with Tuna And Capers in preserved in oil (10.58 oz

  • Renna, Small Peppers Stuffed with Tuna & Capers in Preserved Oil (10.58 oz) Experience Authentic Culinary Excellence from Italy: Indulge in the Mediterranean's rich flavors with Renna's Small Peppers Stuffed with Tuna & Capers. Immerse yourself in an authentic taste experience crafted with culinary expertise from Italy.
  • Delectable Fusion of Ingredients: Savor the exquisite blend of small peppers, tuna, potato powder, sea salt sugar, spicy pepper, y preserved in sunflower oil. This flavorful composition creates a culinary masterpiece that captivates your taste buds.


    The Wholesale Italian Food Difference

    Our Dedication to Authenticity and Quality Ingredients


     Coming soon. If you have any questions, please contact customer service at customerservice@wholesaleitalianfood.com 
    Coming soon. If you have any questions, please contact customer service at customerservice@wholesaleitalianfood.com 
    Rated 4.77/5 based on 13 customer reviews
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