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The yellow datterino by Così Com’è is an extraordinary tomato, which combines extreme sweetness and low acidity with a bright yellow color. When harvested, it comes in regular clusters of 14-16 fruits, in a not well-defined and uniform cylindrical shape. It is rich in substances with high antioxidant power, capable of neutralizing free radicals. It also contains vitamins C, A, and vitamins of group B. Thanks to its absence of acidity, the yellow datterino tomato is widely used in recipes based on fish and seafood as well as to fill pizza.

The yellow datterino tomato is the true “progenitor” of the tomato. When it was exported from the distant Americas to Europe, it was used only for ornamental purposes, due to its extraordinary beauty. But it is precisely from this variety that the Italians coined the expression “golden apple”. 
  • Ideal for Pizza, Pasta, and Seafood recipes
  • Net 28.22 oz (800g) - Drained Weight 16.93 oz
  • 100 % Italian
  • No Preservatives and No Sugar Added
Rated /5 based on customer reviews
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